Champions Career Centre: Champions is CLOSED due to downtown power outage Champions Career Centre: YYC Talks - Postponed Champions Career Centre: YYC Talks October - "Social Media as an Influence Agent"


Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Champions office will re-open Friday morning! We apologize for this week's inconvenience. We appreciate your patience with us and are excited to move forward - with power!

Champions is CLOSED due to downtown power outage

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Champions office is closed due to the power outages caused by the underground fire over the weekend. ENMAX has stated that  power will be restored by Thursday.  Once this happens we will re-open. Please check here for updates.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to clients and employers.  Thank you for your patience!

YYC Talks - Postponed

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

YYC TALKS INFORMATION: Please note this month's YYC Talks session has been postponed as the Champions office is closed due to the power outage downtown. We will be re-scheduling this session and will provide further information once a date has been determined. Thank you from the Champions Team!

YYC Talks October - "Social Media as an Influence Agent"

Thursday, October 02, 2014