Aiming for Career Goals - Paul's story
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
A 2013 survey of over 1,500 recruiters, executives and
hiring managers found that 94% of employers use social media in their
recruiting practices and 96% are using LinkedIn. (Jobvite
In this digital age, attraction and recruitment practices
have changed and Champions is ensuring that we are adjusting to the new ways of
conducting a job search. One way is by delivering a workshop titled ‘Jump Start
Your Job Search with Social Media.’ During this workshop, Champions candidates
explore the evolution of social media, the current trends and ways to make the
most of social media for job search opportunities.
It was this workshop that candidate Paul M. found most
helpful during his time at Champions.
“I learned to tailor my LinkedIn profile to my job target,
about keywords and about highlighting specific skills that made my profile more
searchable online. It worked, I was contacted about an interview last week for
an application I made via LinkedIn.” he commented.
Paul has a non-verbal learning disability and is focused on
a career in Supply Chain Management in the Oil and Gas Industry. At Champions,
Paul is working with his Case Manager, Mat and Employment Retention Specialist, Susan to reach his goals.
“The three of us are working together to find the right job
for my career path. It feels great to have a team of people behind me, without
this support. I don’t know where I’d be.”
Currently he is attending the Southern Alberta Institute of
Technology and working towards a designation in Supply Chain Management. He has
found that practical experience is very important to employers in the industry
even for entry level positions and his designation not only gives him this
experience, but will also boost his skills and confidence in the industry.
“Champions was really keeps me focused and helped to get me
back on track. When I was first applying for jobs, I was all over the place.”
Champions takes pride in helping individuals find meaningful
employment; we help with career planning and focus on long term objectives so
that candidates who work with us can find stability and security in their
lives, not just jobs which may help them to ‘get by’. However, we do recognize
that interim survival jobs are often necessary and assisted Paul in securing
part-time work in the retail industry while he pursues his training.
Paul’s interests lie in politics and government. Through
various internships and fellowships, he has travelled widely and earned
opportunities to engage and learn from world leaders such as Hillary Clinton
and Tony Blair. These interests relate to his career goals in the oil and gas
industry. He’s vocal in his opinions regarding future pipelines and other
controversial projects in North America. He also wants to shift perceptions of
people with disabilities in the workplace.
“People tend to stereotype. When you say ‘people with disabilities’,
a lot of people automatically think of very severe disabilities. Learning
disabilities are often misunderstood,” he says.
With the Champions team behind him, Paul continues to work hard
towards his designation and achieving his career goals. Keep it up Paul, we
know you can do it!