Realising a Dream - Tim's Story
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
While Tim was tidying up his office,
he came across an article written about him 7 years ago when he was unemployed
and looking for work.
“I thought, you know what? Those guys were
awesome, I’d better give them a call to tell them what I’ve done,” he said.
“Champions really helped me to feel good
about myself. Every time I went into the
office I was unemployed and didn’t really feel comfortable about who I was. My
morale was always down,” he said.
Speaking with Tim today, it’s evident that
his morale is anywhere but down. Tim is
confident, and was excited to talk about his most recent success, starting a
Calgary daycare with his wife from the ground up. A project which began as a pipe-dream and
through hard-work, smart decisions and a few detours too, became a reality.
Tim is legally blind and has 20/200 vision
in one eye and 20-180 vision in the other. His low vision means that he cannot drive and
over his career he has self-accommodated, by always choosing jobs on the
transit line and which don’t require visually demanding tasks.
Before coming to Champions, Tim did not
disclose his disability, preferring to make adjustments for himself and only
disclosing when absolutely necessary.
“[Not disclosing] was hard because
sometimes I’d feel like an idiot, and I’d think that I couldn’t do things
right. People would catch me once in a while and ask me what was wrong and I’d
find ways to brush it off.”
After taking workshops with Champions, Tim
learnt how to disclose and made the choice to talk about his disability right
up front during the interview. He says
that this was the most positive thing he gained from Champions.
In the end, Champions helped Tim find a job
at the Calgary Drop-In Centre’s Woodworking division, a position he held until he
was laid off. But all that time, Tim and
his wife had other, bigger plans.
Their goal was to own and run their own business.
So over a few years, Tim and his wife
took steps which gave them the skills and knowledge to make this a reality. Tim completed business and entrepreneurial
courses, finishing with distinction and his wife worked at various daycares,
learning the ropes and gaining valuable experience.
When the time was right, they began working
on their project and organised everything from gutting and re-building the
inside of the daycare, to fundraising and government paperwork and
permits. Today they have been operating for over a year
and have 17 staff and 68 children at the daycare.
“From day one, I was right in there,
changing diapers, doing the paperwork, accounting and playing with the kids. I
love the kids, I love business management, I love working hard and making a
difference.” He says with enthusiasm.
His advice for other job seekers with
“Surround yourself with positive people,
not negative people who will bring you down. Work hard and prove you can do
it,” he says.
This is also advice that he will pass onto
his son who has microtia, which means that his outer ear is not properly formed and
he has to wear a hearing aid. Tim says, “He’s
going to have his struggles, but my message to him is that you’re built this
way for a reason, you don’t know what it is, but it’ll make you stronger. “
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