National Mental Health Conference: February 27th
Friday, February 01, 2013
The Canadian Mental Health Association is appealing to executives, human resource professionals and employees invested in workplace psychological health and safety to attend an upcoming conference. National Bottom Line Conference – Calgary Perspective is the first-ever national Bottom Line Conference with satellite locations across the country.
The February 27th day-long conference features experts in the area workplace mental health including Dr. Joti Samra, a passionate advocate for psychological health and safety in the workplace. Some will recognise Dr. Samra as the host of “Million Dollar Neighbourhood”, a popular series on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). Delegates will also hear a first-hand account of dealing with depression from well-known, nationally acclaimed Canadian sports journalist Michael Landsberg. He’s endured a14-year battle with depression and now considers helping reduce the stigma of mental illness as his most important professional calling.
Champions will have a presence at the conference as a delegate, exhibitor and presenter.Lori James, our Client Services Manager, will be addressing the business advantage of disability and accommodation. The New National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace will be hot topic, and attendees will hear from Mary Ann Baynton, Co-Chair, Technical Committee for the Standard on what it means for Calgary businesses.
National Bottom Line Conference – Calgary Perspective will be held at the Metropolitan Conference Centre, 333 – 4 Avenue SW. You can follow the link below for more information and to register, there is discount for groups and non-profit individual registration.
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